The DPS rotations have been done to death by other sites, so I wanted to do something a little different and talk about other spells you may be called upon to use while taking down a boss.
First off let's talk about damage absorption. All mages get Mana Shield, Frost Ward, and Fire Ward. If you're a frost mage, you can also take Ice Barrier. These damage shields are extremely useful on a lot of fights because they can take some load off of your healers. I will put the shield that I'm going to use for a particular fight on my bar so I can just hit a key to throw up the shield. Here are some fights that they are extremely useful: Heigan (Ice Barrier or Mana Shield during the dance), Sapphiron (Frost Ward), Sartharion (Fire Ward), Ignis (Fire Ward when you're in the pot). You should always be looking where you can take some healing pressure off of the healers, first because it will same them from going oom, and second because it might just save your ass in case the healers don't get to you in time.
Next up there's Ice Block, this can save your ass in a wide variety of situations. Can't make it behind Sapphiron's ice block in time? Throw up your own. Can't make it out of a lava wave on Sartharion, Ice Block through it. Pull aggro on some trash? Ice Block will send them right back at the tank.
Blink is probably an underused spell in raiding. There are a ton of situations where I find it helpful. During the dance with Heigan you may find yourself a little behind, you can use Blink to get where you want to be. Lava waves on Sartharion. Any situation where there is an AoE from the boss, such as Loken, Blink will give you a little more time to react. It will also free you from being rooted.
Invisibility has saved me so much money on repair bills I can't even count it all. Once a tank or off-tank goes down and you know it's a wipe, hit that invisibility button early because it will drop you out of combat. Stay away from random trash, such at Patchwerk in Naxx, if you run too far back you will pull the slimes and wipe the raid when you drop out of invisibility.
AoE: Blizzard is the king of AoE, use it responsibly. If you have a warrior tank be very wary of Blizzard. Be aware of your mana pool when using Blizzard as it takes quite a large chunk of mana, so use it sparingly.