I have some very exciting news this week. Tuesday was our regular guild run through Naxxramas, and we usually run two groups a week through 10-man Naxx. This week I went to the first 10-man group, and we had everything we needed except for the off-tank. Our MT is a DK that is specced for single-target tanking, so we picked up an awesome Prot Pally OT, and started on our run. We started on Arachnid quarter first, we downed Abun'Rekan very easily. We took out Faerlina with not problems, and we didn't use the adds to remove her enrage, our healers just healed on through. We finally got to Maexxina and we wiped due to the slow releasing of players from the web wrap, and she got off a web spray after she was Frenzied. So our second run I focused more on the web wraps, and despite her getting a web spray after Frenzy, we still downed her.
Next quarter up was plague quarter. Our DPS was pretty good, so we had practically no problems here. This was my first encounter with Heigan that I lived through, and it's really to the credit of our healers that I survived. I did get hit several times by the green lava, but our healers kept me up, and we downed him before we got to the second round of the dance. Loatheb went well, to our healers credit, and the plague quarter was clear.
Moving on we went to the Construct quarter next. Our first real challenge here was Gluth, and our team of kiters (a hunter named Foxkin, and a new DK) had issues and died before we could down Gluth. Our second attempt we reassigned our shaman to be on kite duty with the hunter and with his earthbind totem the kiters were able to keep the zombies under better control, and we downed Gluth. Thaddius went amazingly well considering that several people were new to the fight. Our timing on the mini-bosses was good as usual, and there were only a few minor bruises from the positive and negative charges, and Thaddius went down without much of a fight.
On we go to Military quarter, and we took down Razuvious without a problem. Gothik is one of the easier fights here in my opinion and I got to do the undead side. Four horsemen took two attempts, and I was tanking in the back with our hunter Foxkin for the first part of the fight. I died (due to our single shared healer in the back not being able to handle healing us both) just as the after the first boss went down, and our MT picked up tanking for me. I sat and watched as the group successfully downed the remainder. This was a difficult fight for our healers, and I have much respect for them.
We downed Sapphiron rather easily despite many people not having frost resist gear, and being new to the fight, but after the air phase of Sapphiron everyone understood what to do from there on, and I kept on decurse duty faithfully.
Kel'Thuzad has proven a difficult fight for us for some reason, maybe we're just tired, or maybe we are a little low on DPS for this fight. Anyhow someone always manages to end up dying to a Shadow Fissure, or our healers don't get a heal off on a Frost Blast target, and we have had our OT or MT go down in phase 3 but still somehow managed to bring down Kel'Thuzad. This was really the fight that I came for, hoping to get the T7 head, but no drop this week. I did however pick up the T7 legs from Thaddius, so it was a good run for me. I'm getting down to a mere handful of items left for me to upgrade in Naxxramas 10, so I'm hoping we will soon move up to Malygos 10, or even Naxx 25.
The goal
6 years ago