I have a bone to pick with Blizzard over this little goodie. The Deathchill Cloak is unique among tailoring recipes because it requires that you complete the achievement Loremaster of Northrend. Which is comprised of the sub achievements:
Nothing Boring about Borean
Empire of Zul'Drak
I've Toured the Fjord
The Summit of Storm Peaks
Might of Dragonblight
Fo' Grizzle My Shizzle
Into the Basin
Icecrown: The Final Goal
I had completed Howling Fjord first, not problem really, just happened to complete it while leveling and after I was aware of the Deathchill Cloak I took aim at the other achievements. Dragonblight fell next, followed by Borean Tundra, Grizzly Hills, and Zul'Drak, then I dinged 80. That left me with Sholazar Basin, Storm Peaks, and Icecrown. I swapped back and forth between Sholazar Basin and Storm Peaks for a while before finally finish off Storm Peaks first, and then Sholazar the next day, which left me with just Icecrown, so I set to work on it. I merrily went along completing quest after quest on my way to 140, when I ground to a halt around 120. All I had left were group quests. I spammed general chat in Icecrown one evening and a nice death knight joined up with me to complete some group quests. We went to my first quest that he didn't have, and I disappeared from his screen. We went to one of his group quests (that we both had) and it was pretty easy with him tanking and me DPS'ing. So I completed 2 or 3 more quests. I continued with this method, and made it to 128 quests out of 140 before reaching the point that I couldn't find anyone who had the same group quests that I had. I finally turned to my guild and begged for their help to complete those last few quests, and it took my guild mates almost 12 hours to work their way through the quest chains to open up the quests I had to complete. That is just plain stupid. That was a huge barrier to getting a decent, but not amazing item recipe and a big drain on my guild. Bad design on Blizzard's side for that one. I hope that future quest lines don't require everyone to have access to the quest as it's a real big discouragement for completing those quests.
The goal
6 years ago